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Nov 27, 2017

This podcast discusses the research report series, The Future of Retirement in China, presented by the Society of Actuaries (SOA) and the LIMRA Secure Retirement Institute. The report series examines consumer attitudes, beliefs and behaviors on various retirement issues.

Nov 20, 2017

This podcast reviews the research paper which provides an overview of tree models, and details how they have been used for developing group long term disability recovery and mortality rates.

Nov 13, 2017

In this episode, Dale Hall, FSA, MAAA, CERA, CFA, Managing Director of Research discusses the Living to 100 Monograph topic, Insights into Successful Aging, with Steve Vernon, FSA, MAAA and Jean-Marc Fix, FSA, MAAA.

Nov 6, 2017

This podcast discusses Mortality Improvement Scale MP-2017, the annual update to the RPEC_2014 model and its corresponding mortality improvement scales, released by the Society of Actuaries Retirement Plans Experience Committee (RPEC). This new version of the model reflects historical U.S. population mortality...